30 Things Your Home Doesn’t Really Need

Whether you are thinking about selling, planning an more or just ready to give your hoe a re-fresh, de-cluttering is an important part of the process. De-cluttering id crucial for staging a home for sale and can certainly make a space feel more open and inviting to potential buyers.
Below is a link to a great article about 30 things you can let go that are probably not serving any purpose other than taking up valuable space.

Source of data: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/30-things-your-home-doesn-t-really-need?utm_source=pocket-newtab

What Happens to Your Brain When You Declutter

According to science, Our brains can process information more clearly and efficiently in an organized space. A deep clean can also help you let go of certain things, as possessions represent the emotions or experiences attached to them.
Below is a link to an interesting article which you may find helpful on your journey to get organized.

Source of data:https://getpocket.com/explore/item/this-is-what-happens-to-your-brain-when-you-declutter-your-home?utm_source=pocket-newtab